Dmca Policy

Helo Novels is a platform where the user gets entertain by reading novels & downloading it into their devices so they can enjoy the Book’s reading even when they are offline. The books & novels which are provided by are free and are available in the public domain we have just gathered all the free books in one place.

We do not claim any ownership with any of the book available, In fact, if anybody owns the book which is available on our platform, this might have done in negligence you can contact us @ our Inquiry Page for the rapid removal of that book. We here @ Helo Novel do not promote any adult content of anything above 18, our service Is for children people with entertaining mindsets & Readers. strictly follows THE DIGITAL MILLENNIUM COPYRIGHT ACT OF 1998 & we do not support infringement content, so if you found any copyrighted material on our site kindly visit our contact us page to report

For any book on request, you can visit our Facebook fan page @ for free download books keep visitng